Dominican citizenship for investors

The foreign investor must invest in the Dominican Republic a minimum of US$200,000.00 or its equivalent in Dominican pesos and additionally present:

A) Certificate of Foreign Investment Registry issued by CEI-RD

B) Certification issued by the National Council of Export Free Zones in the case of companies established under the free zone regime

C) Copy of all the constitutive documents of the commercial company, duly legalized in the Chamber of Commerce of the Dominican Republic


1) Original birth certificate legalized with Apostille and translated to Spanish. The ministry won’t accept a document with more than six (06) months of expedition.

2) Original background check legalized with Apostille. The ministry won’t accept a document with more than six (06) months of expedition.

3) Both residency and cedula cards must be valid for at least six (06) months prior to the application of citizenship.

4) If the applicant has changed his name in any of his documents, the ministry requires seeing an official and Apostilled documentation to valite de the change.

5) The applicant must present an interview. We are able to prepare you for such interview as part of our service.

6) The Dominican authorities request every applicant to have a guarantor to apply for citizenship.

7) The process of citizenship is finalized with an oath ceremony. This is when the applicant must request cedula and passport.

8) The Dominican authorities request every applicant to have a guarantor to apply for citizenship.

9) The process is finalized with an oath ceremony

Once nationality is granted, the documents that prove them as such and the corresponding documents are delivered to the naturalized so that they are excluded from the registers in which they appear as domiciled foreigners and are registered as naturalized Dominicans.

For further information, contact us now for your free consultation!

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